Feb. 2024, Two papers were accepted by IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), congrats Shangqing and Jialuo!

● Jan. 2024, 高飞教授受奚磊教授邀请,赴南方科技大学做学术报告。(Prof. Gao was invited by Prof. Lei Xi, to give a talk at SUSTech)

● Jan. 2024, 高飞教授受赵征教授和丘子杰教授邀请,赴香港中文大学(深圳)做学术报告。(Prof. Gao was invited by Prof. Zheng Zhao and Zijie Qiu, to give a talk at CUHK, Shenzhen)

 Jan. 2024, 高飞教授受邓天伟教授邀请,赴中山大学(深圳)做学术报告。(Prof. Gao was invited by Prof. Tianwei Deng to give a talk at Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen)

 Dec. 2023, 高飞教授受孙伽略研究员邀请,赴北京大学长三角光电科学研究院做学术报告。(Prof. Gao was invited by Prof. Jialue Sun to give a talk at Peking University Yangtze Delta Institute of Optoelectronics)

 Dec. 2023, an invited reivew paper was accepted by Journal of Biomedical Optics, congrats!

 Dec. 2023, Prof. Gao was invited to give a talk at MICAD 2023.

● Dec. 2023, HISLab四位研究生获评上海科技大学三好学生(top 5%)和优秀学生(top 15%),恭喜张帆,沈雨婷,陈希羽,朱璐瑶同学!(Four graduate students were awarded the excellent students, congrats Fan Zhang, Yuting Shen, Xiyu Shen, Luyao Zhu!)

● Dec. 2023, HISLab孵化的项目获莫干山创新创业大赛三等奖。(HISLab's project won the third prize of Moganshan Entrepreneurship Contest)

● Nov. 2023, HISLab孵化的项目获上科大创新创业大赛三等奖,恭喜蔡俊翔,陈希羽同学!(HISLab's project won the third prize of ShanghaiTech Entrepreneurship Contest, Congrats Junxiang and Xiyu!)

● Nov. 2023, Xinke's paper was accepted by Journal of Biophotonics, congrats!

● Nov. 2023, Yongjian's paper was accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats!

 Oct. 2023, 高飞教授参加了在长沙举办的2023光学青年科学家学术年会,并做了题为《智能光声成像系统》的特邀报告(Prof. Gao Fei attended the 2023 Annual Conference of Young Optical Scientists in Changsha and made an inviated talk entitled "Intelligent Photoacoustic Imaging System")

 Oct. 2023, 高飞教授受封晓华博士邀请,赴之江实验室参加“计算智能下的成像探索”研讨会。高飞教授的报告题目为《智能光声成像》。同时,参观了封晓华博士和施钧辉博士的实验室。(Prof. Gao Fei was invited by Dr. Feng Xiaohua to participate in the "Exploring Imaging with Computational Intelligence" symposium at the Zhejiang Laboratory. Prof. Gao's report was titled "Intelligent Photoacoustic Imaging")

 Oct. 2023, 高飞教授和蔡夕然教授受王弟亚教授邀请,赴西安交通大学做学术报告。高飞教授的报告题目为《光声成像:从物理到临床》。同时,拜访了万明习教授,以及参观了相关实验室和交大创新港校区。(Prof. Gao Fei and Prof. Cai Xiran were invited by Professor Wang Diya to give a talk at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Professor Gao Fei's talk was titled "Photoacoustic Imaging: From Physics to Biomedicine")

● Oct. 2023, a collaborated work was accepted by Advanced Materials, congrats Biao Wang, Xiyu and Junxiang!

● Aug. 2023, HISLab 已获批发明专利已达10项(HISLab has 10 patent granted, up to now)。

 Aug. 2023, HISLab孵化的项目获湖州全球高层次人才创新创业大赛三等奖 (HISLab's project won the third prize of Huzhou Entrepreneurship Contest)。

● Aug. 2023, Three papers were accepted by MLMI 2023, congrat Shanshan Guo, Yimeng Yang, and Nan Zhao!

● Aug. 2023, 兰恒荣博士增选为MICS(医学图像计算青年研讨会)委员会委员。(Dr. Hengrong Lan is elected as a member of MICS)

● July 2023, 深圳芯思杰一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● July 2023, 高飞教授受邀参加苏州工业园区生物医药颠覆式技术创新对接会,并做了题为《光声成像技术及其临床应用》的大会报告。(Prof. Gao gave a invited speech, titled photoacoustic imaging and its clinical applications, invited by Suzhou Industrial Park)

● July 2023, Jiadong's paper was accepted by Communications Engineering (NATURE partner journal), congrats!

● July 2023, Yuting and Jiadong's paper was accepted by Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, congrats!

● June 2023, Jiadong's paper was accepted by Patterns (CELL partner journal), congrats!

 June 2023, 高飞教授访问北京大学李长辉教授和那帅教授实验室,并进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨 (Prof. Gao visited Prof. Changhui Li, and Prof. Shuai Na, at Peking University)。

● June 2023, HISLab proposed An Umbrella-Inspired Snap-On Robotic 3D Photoacoustic Endoscopic Probe for Augmented Intragastric Sensing, collaborated with The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (DOI:10.2139/ssrn.4358752)

● June 2023, HISLab proposed Score-based Generative Models for Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction with Rotation Consistency Constraints, collaborated with Tsinghua University and Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences. (arXiv:2306.13843)

● May 2023, Fan Zhang and Jiadong's paper was accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats!

● May 2023, Ten papers are accepted by IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2023, among them, Yiyun Wang, Fan Zhang, Ziye Li's papers are selected as oral presentations, congrats guys!

● May 2023, Mengjie's paper was accepted by British Journal of Ophthalmology, congrats!

● May 2023, 江道淮博士在中国生物医学工程大会-生物医学光子学分会场做口头报告。

● May. 2023, 之江实验室施钧辉高级研究专家受高飞教授邀请,为上科大师生做了题为《高速度三维光声断层成像及其应用》的学术报告。

● May 2023, 博士生江道淮顺利通过毕业答辩,恭喜!同时感谢远道而来的四位校外专家:曹俊诚,程茜,田超,施钧辉。

● May 2023, 硕士生王怡韵,葛鹏,李梓烨,张佳冬,高子健,胡洋畅,郭珊珊,杨忆蒙顺利通过毕业答辩,恭喜!

● May 2023, HISLab一行访问中山医院,并与重症医学科罗哲主任团队进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● May 2023, 苏州芙迈蕾医疗联合创始人田总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Apr. 2023, HISLab招收科研实习生(3个月~1年,线上/线下均可,对科研有热情的在读本科生或研究生)。 

● Apr. 2023, 上海瑞金医院超声科吉主任一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Apr. 2023, HISLab proposed Photoacoustic digital teeth, collaborated with Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital. (arXiv:2304.05607)

● Apr. 2023, Jiadong's paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, congrats!

● Apr. 2023, Prof. Gao was invited to serve as TPC member of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium.

● Mar. 2023, 博士生江道淮参加 PIBM2023,并做口头报告。

● Mar. 2023, HISLab一行访问特姆威(苏州)医学影像有限公司,并与创始人Alexander博士及其团队进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Mar. 2023, 高飞教授访问清华大学罗建文教授实验室,并进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Mar. 2023, Yiyun's paper, collaborated with Junxiang from Prof. Tao Wu's lab, was accepted by IEEE Sensors Letters, congrats!

● Mar. 2023, Zijian's paper was accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal, congrats!

● Feb 2023,  HISLab proposed Non-line-of-sight photoacoustic imaging, collaborated with Zhejiang Lab. (arXiv:2302.10193 )

● Feb. 2023, a collaborated work with Prof. Siyu Liu from Nanjing University of Science and Technology was accepted by Applied Physics Letters, congrats Daohuai!

● Feb. 2023, HISLab一行访问上海交大密歇根学院陈松良教授实验室,并进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Feb. 2023, 联影超声事业部林总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Feb. 2023, HISLab在科教融合本科生培养方面的经验和成果被学校官方微信报道《在课程学习中孕育创新的“种子”》:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4Y2OmTVYcQMGv_cP0OutdA

● Feb. 2023, HISLab 一件题为《单通道实时光声断层扫描成像系统与方法》的发明专利成功授权,恭喜兰恒荣和江道淮同学!

● Jan. 2023, HISLab与解放军总医院第一医学中心(原301医院)神经外科的合作项目获批立项。

● Jan. 2023, 联影微电子杨总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Jan. 2023, 博士生蔡俊翔的《光声内窥镜》项目顺利完成HiMed介入专场加速营毕业路演。

● Jan. 2023, 苏州嘉胜投资创始人张总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Jan. 2023, Third-year undergraduates Tianqu and Zihao's paper was accepted by Journal of Biophotonics, congrats!

● Dec. 2022, Hengrong and Changchun's paper was accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats!

● Dec. 2022, 江道淮王怡韵入选上海科技大学三好学生(top 10%),恭喜!

● Dec. 2022, an invited review paper collaborated with Dr. Zhongyuan Fang from Prof. Yuanjin Zheng's group of Nanyang Technological University, was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.

● Nov. 2022, 上海交通大学郭劲宏教授受高飞教授邀请,为上科大师生做了题为《医学传感器与医疗物联网融合应用》的学术报告。

● Nov. 2022, 北京航空航天大学田捷教授受高飞教授邀请,为上科大师生做了题为《基于人工智能和医疗大数据的肿瘤术中导航和量化评估》的卓越讲座系列报告: https://sist.shanghaitech.edu.cn/_upload/article/videos/d2/d6/0b3c0516403ba6ee5b6efb0abffc/fddb08a4-b876-4358-b9cc-436c9ec453dc-B.mp4

● Nov. 2022, 第1期HISLab seminar顺利举行,来自清华大学的博士后兰恒荣给大家带来了题为《基于深度学习的光声断层成像重建算法》的学术讲座: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12g411i7df/

● Nov. 2022, a collaborated work with Mr. Gaofei Jin from Prof. Xiran Cai's team was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, congrats Daohuai!

● Nov. 2022, 上海汉通医疗创始人赵总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Oct. 2022, a collaborated work with Dr. Jingchao Luo from Prof. Zhe Luo's team of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, was accepted by 《Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine》, congrats Shangqing and Jiadong!

Oct. 2022, HISLab与苏州芙迈蕾医疗联合创始人王总和田总进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

Oct. 2022, Yiyun Wang received National Scholarship, congrats! Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mzP4sASYGlspjhN7OfjiFg

Oct. 2022, HISLab 招收2023级研究生:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BR72dbKwq1KIRyW_kfU57Q

● Sep. 2022, HISLab一项科研课题获上科大双一流建设经费支持。

● Sep. 2022, 杭州执鼎医疗樊总一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Sep. 2022, HISLab 一行访问苏州沛嘉医疗

● Sep. 2022, HISLab 参与的成果转化项目《光声内窥镜》入选HiMed医疗创业加速营

● Sep. 2022, HISLab 一件题为《一种用于引导激光治疗的光声探测装置》的发明专利成功授权,恭喜王怡韵同学!

● Sep. 2022, Jiadong's paper, collaborated with Dr. Jingchao Luo from Prof. Zhe Luo's team of Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, was accepted by 《SHOCK》, congrats!

● Sep. 2022, 上海同仁医院超声科陈主任一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Sep. 2022, HISLab自主研发的具有智能降噪和图像重建硬件加速功能的256通道高通量数据采集与图像处理板卡第一次投板测试成功,初步实现小批量产

● Aug. 2022, HISLab一项科研课题获上海临床研究中心经费支持。

● Aug. 2022, 高飞教授参加了在西安举办的2022年国际信息光学与光子学学术会议(CIOP 2022,并做了题为《Photoacoustic imaging: new insights in nonlinear physics and miniaturized systems》的特邀报告。

● Aug. 2022, 高飞教授受同济大学齐鹏教授邀请,参加了长三角医疗机器人创新发展青年科学家论坛,并做了题为《光声成像:被听见的视觉》的学术报告。葛均波院士和汤亮主席作为嘉宾进行了致辞,论坛由奥盛集团汤傲成博士主持。

● Aug. 2022, 高飞教授受中科院深圳先进技术研究院-生物医学光学与分子影像研究中心-刘成波研究员邀请,做了题目为《光声成像:被听见的视觉》的学术报告,并参访了实验室,与相关老师和同学进行交流探讨。报告由医工所副所长郑炜研究员主持。

● July 2022, 高飞教授受广东省人民医院聂立铭教授邀请,参加了2022年广东省医学科技周暨广东省医学科学院战略发展高峰论坛,并在“代谢健康与技术创新论坛”做大会报告,题目为《光声成像:听见器官的颜色》

● July 2022, Daohuai's paper, collaborated with Hongbo from Prof. Rui Zheng's lab, was accepted by Journal of Applied Physics, congrats!

● July 2022, 高飞教授与中山医院的医生朋友们开展了关于光声成像在消化系统疾病诊断中应用的研讨会。

● July 2022, 蓝源实业麦总一行访问实验室,并进行了愉快和深入的交流探讨。

● July 2022, 恭喜兰恒荣入选清华大学博士后人才计划(惠妍人才基金)!

● June 2022, Juze's paper, co-supervised with Prof. Jingya Wang, was accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022 (CCF-A), congrats!

● June 2022, Seven papers are accepted by IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2022, among them, Daohuai and Peng Ge's papers are selected as oral presentations, congrats guys!

● June 2022, Yiyun's paper, collaborated with Junxiang from Prof. Tao Wu's lab, was accepted by Microsystems & Nanoengineering (NATURE Partner Journal), congrats!

● June 2022,  HISLab proposed passive photoacoustic effect, collaborated with SPST. (arXiv:2206.02548 )

● June 2022, Jiadong's paper was accepted by MICCAI 2022, congrats!

● May 2022, 恭喜兰恒荣通过博士答辩,马雅鑫,郭梦杰,吕腾博通过硕士答辩!

● May 2022,  HISLab 科研成果小结(2022年1~4月): https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/U9DFcOLUDxOvBIwq_-tjAw

● May 2022, Yaxin's paper was accepted by IJCNN 2022, congrats!

● May 2022,  Daohuai and Yifei's paper is selected as inside cover feature by Journal of Biophotonics.

● May 2022,  Prof. Gao will serve as Tutorial Chair at ICCS 2022: http://www.iccs.org/com.html

● May 2022,  HISLab proposed FPGA acceleration of Photoacoustic image reconstruction. (arXiv:2204.14084 )

● Apr. 2022, Daohuai's paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, congrats! 

● Apr. 2022, Juze's paper was accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats!

● Apr. 2022, Daohuai and Yifei's paper was accepted by Journal of Biophotonics, congrats!

● Mar. 2022,  HISLab proposed hand-held 3D photoacoustic imager with GPS. (arXiv:2203.09048 )

● Mar. 2022, Daohuai's paper, collaborated with Prof. Yongsheng Wang of Shandong Cancer's Hospital, was accepted by China Oncology, congrats!

● Mar. 2022, Changchun's book chapter was accepted by IOP Publishing book <<Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis, volume 2: Breast and bladder Cancer>>, congrats!

● Mar. 2022, Hengrong and Jiali's paper was accepted by Optics Letters, congrats!

● Mar. 2022, 上海理工大学宋成利教授访问实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。宋成利教授是斯坦福大学医疗科技创新著名教材<<Biodesign>>的中文译者,有丰富的医疗器械成果转化经验。

● Feb. 2022, Mengjie and Hengrong's paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, congrats!

● Feb. 2022, Tingyang's paper, collaborated with Prof. Junjie Yao of Duke University, was accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats!

● Jan. 2022, Yiyun's paper, collaborated with Junxiang from Prof. Tao Wu's lab, was accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2022, congrats!

● Jan. 2022, Dr. Alexander A Oraevsky was invited by Prof. Gao, to give a SIST Distinguished lecture online, titled "Three-dimentional quantitative optoacoustic tomography in preclinical and clinical research". 

● Jan. 2022, 健适医疗魏总一行访问实验室,并与实验室师生探讨了光声成像在血管介入方面的应用可行性。

● Jan. 2022, 高飞教授受邀参加奇璞奖启动会,并做了题为《光声成像:被听见的视觉》的大会演讲。

● Dec. 2021, HISLab proposed size-adjustable ring-shape PACT system. (HISLab提出尺寸可自适应变化的环形光声成像系统,论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11630

● Dec. 2021, Prof. Gao was invited to be a guest editor for special issues in Electronics, and Frontiers in Medical Technology

● Dec. 2021, Prof. Sungliang Chen gave a talk about recent advances in photoacoustic microscopy, invited by Prof. Gao。

● Dec. 2021, HISLab与上海第九人民医院口腔正畸科的合作项目获九院“交叉”研究基金立项支持,恭喜王怡韵和王誉洁同学。 

● Dec. 2021, Prof. Gao gave a talk at JI-SJTU, invited by Prof. Sungliang Chen. 

● Dec. 2021, 上海中山医院消化科张主任一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Dec. 2021, 碧迪医疗全球高级副总裁邓总一行访问上科大,并参观了实验室,与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Dec. 2021,  HISLab proposed Deep Learning Adapted Acceleration approach for Limited-view Photoacoustic Computed Tomography. (arXiv:2105.14255 )

● Dec. 2021,  Prof. Gao gave a talk at PIBM 2021 about photoacoustic imaging system towards more miniaturization and intelligence.

● Nov. 2021,  HISLab参加上科大双创大赛获信息组三等奖一项,生命组三等奖一项,恭喜王怡韵,王誉洁同学。

● Nov. 2021,  HISLab光声乳腺成像项目组一行访问上海瑞金医院,并与超声科周主任进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Nov. 2021, Prof. Gao was invited to join the editorial board of Photoacoustics (the flagship journal in photoacoustic imaging area)。

● Nov. 2021, 高飞教授访问301医院,并与普外科杜主任进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Nov. 2021, 芯像生物科技CEO一行访问实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Nov. 2021, BD医疗大中华区研发与战略部门薛总和姜总一行访问实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Oct. 2021, Prof. Gao was invited to give a tutorial at IEEE ICCS 2021。

● Oct. 2021, 上海九院整复外科应医生一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Oct. 2021, GE医疗超声产品线史总一行访问实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Oct. 2021, 高飞教授受italk邀请,在张江895创新营做了一场关于光声成像的报告。

● Oct. 2021, Dr. Alexander A Oraevsky visited HISLab, and had a very pleasant discussion with Prof. Gao. 

● Oct. 2021, Prof. Gao was invited to give a tutorial at ERICE workshop, invited by Prof. Andreas Mandelis。

● Oct. 2021, 上海九院整复外科章主任一行来访实验室,并与实验室师生进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Oct. 2021, Yiyun's paper, collaborated with Junxiang from Prof. Tao Wu's lab, was accepted by IEEE MEMS 2022, congrats! 

● Oct. 2021, Hengrong's paper was accepted by Biomedical Optics Express, congrats! 

● Sep. 2021,  HISLab光声显微项目组一行访问上海市第九人民医院,并与整复外科林主任团队,以及Advantest公司刘工程师,进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨

● Sep. 2021, HISLab released photoacoustic digital brain dataset. (HISLab开源了一组光声数字人脑数据集,论文链接:http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09127

● Sep. 2021, Yongjian's paper was accepted by IEEE Photonics Journal, congrats! 

● Sep. 2021, 无锡祥生医疗科技有限公司创新中心诸总一行访问HISLab, 并与师生们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨。

● Sep. 2021, HISLab高飞教授入选中国光学学会生物医学光子学专委会青年委员。

● Sep. 2021, HISLab's breast imaging project received the first prize in BD-HIMED roadshow! (HISLab的乳腺成像项目获碧迪医疗-海脉德项目路演第一名!)

● Sep. 2021, HISLab高飞教授受邀在第十三届全国激光科学技术青年学术交流会上做特邀报告,报告题目为:光声成像系统的小型化与智能化。

● July 2021, Zhuoan, Zijian and Luyao's papers were accepted by IEEE EMBC 2021, congrats! (李卓安,高子健,朱璐瑶的三篇论文被IEEE EMBC 接收,恭喜!)

● June 2021, Tengbo and Jiali's papers were accepted by IEEE IUS 2021, congrats! (吕腾博和龚嘉礼的两篇论文被IEEE IUS 接收,恭喜!)

● June 2021,  HISLab visited Shanghai 9th people's Hospital.

● June 2021,  HISLab first PhD graduate Tingyang Duan was awarded the excellent graduate student of Shanghai. (HISLab第一位毕业的博士生段廷阳同学获上海市优秀毕业生荣誉称号)

● June 2021,  HISLab proposed Compressed Sensing for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Using an Untrained Neural Network. (HISLab提出基于非训练神经网络的压缩感知光声图像重建方法。arXiv:2105.14255 )

● May. 2021,  Shanghai 9th People's Hospital visited ShanghaiTech. HISLab introduced the recent research progress in photoacoustic imaging (上海市第九人民医院一行访问上科大,并与上科大相关老师进行了深入的交流探讨,其中,HISLab重点介绍了光声医学影像的相关工作)

● May 2021,  HISLab proposed photoacoustic-monitored laser treatment for tatoo removal. (HISLab提出光声监督的激光去纹身技术。arXiv:2105.12288 )

● May. 2021, Yuting and Yongjian's paper was accepted by IEEE RCAR 2021, congrats! (沈雨婷和赵永建的论文被IEEE RCAR接收,恭喜!)

● May 2021, Tingyang, Yongjian and Changchun successfully completed the oral defence for their PhD and master degrees, congrats! (段廷阳顺利通过博士答辩,赵永建,杨长春顺利通过硕士毕业答辩,恭喜!)

● Apr. 2021, Hengrong and Daohuai's paper is accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats! (恒荣和道淮的论文被Photoacoustics(光声成像领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Apr. 2021, Shanghai Tong Ren Hospital visited HISLab (上海同仁医院超声科陈曼主任一行访问HISLab实验室,并与实验室老师和同学们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Apr. 2021, HISLab senior engineer Feng Gao was invited to attend NEXT camp in Beijing, hosted by Jiacheng Capital (HISLab高级工程师高峰受邀参加嘉程资本主办的第二届“NEXT创新营")  

● Mar. 2021, Doctors from Shanghai 6th Hospital, Shanghai 9th Hospital, Shanghai Changhai Hospital, West China Hospital visited HISLab (在校领导带领下,上海第六人民医院,第九人民医院,长海医院,华西医院的相关领导和医生们访问HISLab实验室,并与实验室老师和同学们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Mar. 2021, HISLab attended roadshow with Shanghai Pharma, demonstrating the advanced drug delivery technology (HISLab参加上科大与上药集团联合举办的创业路演,提出了新型药物递送技术,链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yT37BspeM-upjkTt63NnDQ) 

● Feb. 2021,  Prof. Gao, with Prof Yuanjin Zheng, was invited to give a tutorial on electromagnetic-acoustic imaging in ISCAS 2021 (高飞与郑元谨教授受邀为ISCAS 2021做关于电磁声学成像方面的tutorial, 链接:https://iscas2021.org/index.php?gt=pro/pro05) 

● Jan. 2021, Two papers were accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2021, congrats Daohuai and Yujie! Daohuai's paper is selected as oral. Yujie is a 3rd-year undergraduate in BME.(两篇论文被IEEE ISCAS接收,恭喜江道淮和王誉洁同学!其中,江道淮的论文被选为oral,王誉洁现在是生物医学工程专业大三学生)

● Jan. 2021,  HISLab proposed fast photoacoustic reconstruction framework AS-Net (HISLab提出快速光声图像重建新框架AS-Net。arXiv:2101.08934 )

● Jan. 2021,  Prof. Gao attended med tech entrepreneurship camp hosted by Zhen Fund and MIT Technology Review (高飞教授受邀参加由真格基金和MIT科技评论联合举办的医疗科技创业营) 

● Jan. 2021,  HISLab collaborated with Shandong Cancer Hospital to perform photoacoustic breast imaging clinical research (HISLab与山东省肿瘤医院合作,开展光声乳腺成像的临床试验)

● Jan. 2021, Jiadong's paper was accepted by IEEE ISBI 2021, congrats! (张佳冬的论文被IEEE ISBI接收,恭喜!)

● Jan. 2021,  HISLab selected 9 "best of the best" students in 2020, congrats! (HISLab评选出9位2020年优中选优学生,恭喜!)

● Dec. 2020,  Shandong First Medical University visited HISLab (山东第一医科大学路伟钊医生一行访问HISLab实验室,并与实验室老师和同学们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Dec. 2020,  HISLab proposed Superposed Wave (s-Wave) Photoacoustic Simulation method, achieving 2000 times faster than k-Wave in sparse 3D simulation configuration (HISLab提出光声仿真加速新方法,s-Wave,在3D稀疏环境下,仿真速度相比于k-wave提高2000倍以上。arXiv:2012.13050 )

● Dec. 2020,  HISLab proposed Time-reversed photoacoustic guided time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing, providing a new perspective for non-invasive optogenetics (HISLab提出时间反演光声信号引导的时间反演超声编码光聚焦技术,为完全无创的光遗传学提供了新的思路。arXiv:2012.04427 )

● Dec. 2020,  Three projects from HISLab attended ShanghaiTech entrepreneurship conference (HISLab三个项目参加上科大创业大会,并取得优异成绩:生命分会场学生组第二名;信息分会场学生组第四名和第六名)

● Dec. 2020,  HISLab proposed Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction Beyond Supervised Learning (HISLab提出超越监督学习方法,获得好于ground truth的光声图像重建效果。arXiv:2012.02472 )

● Dec. 2020,  HISLab proposed Low-Cost Optoacoustic Tomography System with Programmable Acoustic Delay-Line (HISLab提出基于可编程声学延迟线的低成本光声成像系统。arXiv:2012.03943 )

● Dec. 2020,  Wuxi Techstar visited HISLab (无锡科智达董事长杨卫东先生一行访问HISLab实验室,并与实验室老师和同学们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Dec. 2020,  Shandong Cancer Hospital visited HISLab (山东省肿瘤医院丛斌斌医生一行访问HISLab实验室,并与实验室老师和同学们进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Dec. 2020,  Shanghai Shuguang Hospital visited ShanghaiTech (上海曙光医院高月求副院长一行访问上科大,并与上科大相关老师进行了深入的交流探讨,其中,HISLab重点介绍了光声医学影像的相关工作)

● Dec. 2020,  HISLab visited Shanghai 6th people's Hospital (HISLab一行访问上海第六人民医院,并与郑元义副院长进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Nov. 2020,  HISLab proposed Limited-view Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction approach With Dual Domain Inputs Under Mutual Information Constraint (HISLab提出基于双域输入和互信息约束的有限视角光声图像重构方法。arXiv:2011.06147 )

● Nov. 2020,  HISLab proposed 3D human skin vascular model for photoacoustic quantitative imaging (HISLab提出生成3D人体皮肤模型新方法,可用于定量光声成像的研究。arXiv:2011.04652 )

● Nov. 2020,  HISLab proposed a new design of photoacoustic probe (HISLab提出一种新型的光声手持探头设计。arXiv:2011.03446 )

● Nov. 2020,  HISLab visited Shanghai Gongli Hospital (HISLab一行访问上海公利医院,并与病理科任宏政主任进行了愉快且深入的交流探讨)

● Nov. 2020, three papers are accepted by SPIE Photonics West 2021, one of them is selected as oral presentation, congrats Hengrong and Daohuai! (三篇论文被SPIE西部光子学会议接收,其中一篇为口头报告,恭喜兰恒荣和江道淮同学!)

● Nov. 2020,  HISLab published the first review paper about deep learning for photoacoustic imaging (HISLab发表领域内第一篇深度学习赋能光声成像综述论文,链接:https://sist.shanghaitech.edu.cn/2020/1110/c2858a57376/page.htm)

● Oct. 2020,  HISLab attended roadshow in Zhangjiang Science City (HISLab实验室多项科研成果亮相张江科学城,链接:http://www.kankanews.com/a/2020-10-30/0019563481.shtml)

● Oct. 2020,  Prof. Yuecheng Shen from Sun Yat-Sen University visited our lab and gave a wonderful talk (中山大学沈乐成教授访问实验室,并给广大师生做了精彩的学术报告)

● Oct. 2020,  Dr. Zhe Luo from Zhongshan Hospital visited our lab and had an pleasant discussion (上海中山医院心外科ICU罗哲主任访问实验室,并进行了愉快的交流讨论)

● Oct. 2020, Prof Gao visited Prof Yuan Gao of SUSTech (高飞教授访问南方科技大学深港微电子学院,并与昔日室友高源教授交流讨论,共进午餐)

● Oct. 2020, Prof Gao visited Prof. Li Liu of CUHK (高飞教授访问香港中文大学刘立教授,并进行了愉快和深入的交流探讨)

● Oct. 2020, Changchun and Hengrong's paper is accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats! (杨长春和兰恒荣的论文被Photoacoustics (光声成像领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Sep. 2020, Yongjian's paper is accepted by IEEE JSTQE, congrats! (永建的论文被IEEE JSTQE(光学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Aug. 2020, HISLab proposed novel deep learning framework for optical focusing in deep scattering tissue(HISLab提出新型深度学习算法,赋能散射生物组织中的光聚焦。arXiv:2008.06975 

● Aug. 2020, HISLab achieved real-time imaging of human finger in vivo (HISLab 实现实时人手指成像,链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zTS7i9xe03CaHE-SDMpmZQ)

● Aug. 2020, HISLab achieved whole-body real-time PA imaging of mouse in vivo (HISLab 实现实时小鼠全身活体光声层析成像,链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eCPK_BqQ5Pyej-Vgq1Z61A)

● July 2020,  Yufan Shi gave a wonderful talk about innovation and entraprenership(创业导师施宇凡为HISLab带来一场关于创新创业的精彩演讲,链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6cF8im8gtmZDRbZpxYo1-g)

● July 2020, HISLab achieved 1k fps high-speed PA imaging of zebrafish in vivo (HISLab 实现1k帧率超高速光声活体成像,链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ApFWJ2qxVsnn1klM1e6IrQ)

● June 2020, Prof. Gao is invited to give a talk at MICS webinar by Prof. Manning Wang of Fudan University(高飞教授受复旦大学王满宁教授邀请,做MICS在线学术报告,报告链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/9zBsi0QnuwyZXJQGpchUfA)

● June 2020, Director Jianhua Xie, and Yanhua Zhang from Advantest visited our lab and had an pleasant discussion (爱德万测试谢剑华部长一行访问实验室,并进行了愉快的交流讨论)

● June 2020, Hengrong's paper is accepted by Photoacoustics, congrats! (兰恒荣的论文被Photoacoustics(光声成像领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● May 2020, Hongtao successfully completed the oral defence for his master degree, congrats! (钟鸿涛顺利通过硕士毕业答辩,恭喜!)

● May 2020, Hongtao's paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, congrats! (钟鸿涛的论文被IEEE TBioCAS (生物医学电路与系统领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Apr. 2020,  Xiang Li, CEO of Shanghai ALS-Ultrasound Co. Ltd. visited our lab and had an pleasant discussion (上海爱声生物医疗科技有限公司CEO李翔博士访问实验室,并进行了愉快的交流讨论)

● Apr. 2020,  Undergraduate Yiyun Wang's work is reported by University News(实验室大四本科生王怡韵同学的科研工作登上了学校新闻! 链接:http://www.shanghaitech.edu.cn/2020/0422/c1001a51500/page.htm

● Apr. 2020, three papers are accepted by IEEE EMBC 2020, congrats Yaxin, Juze and Yiyun! (三篇论文被IEEE EMBC2020接收,恭喜马雅鑫,张钜泽,王怡韵同学!)

● Apr. 2020, Graduate students are begining to go back to school since the novel coronavirus outbreak. (新冠疫情以来,研究生们开始陆续返校)

● Mar. 2020, New semester starts with online teaching due to novel coronavirus outbreak. (由于新冠疫情,新学期从在线授课开始)

● Jan. 2020, HISLab proposed real-time PAT using single data acquisition channel, through fusion of deep learning and analog circuit design. (HISLab提出通过融合深度学习算法与模拟电路设计,实现单数据采集通道的实时光声成像系统。arXiv:2001.07454 )

● Jan. 2020, Prof. Gao received SIST Excellence in Research Award again for 2019. (高飞教授连续两年获信息学院优秀科研奖)

● Jan. 2020, Our collaboration project with United Imaging Intelligence is approved. (我们与联影智能的合作项目获批)

● Dec. 2019, We had a very happy lab gathering at the end of 2019. (我们在2019年末进行了实验室聚餐)

● Dec. 2019, Prof. Gao gave an invited talk at SBIC, ASTAR about photoacoustic imaging. (高飞教授受邀在ASTAR做了关于光声成像的报告)

● Dec. 2019, Yifei attended APMC 2019 in Singapore, and presented his work. (徐逸飞同学参加了在新加坡举办的APMC,并报道了他的工作)

● Nov. 2019, Prof. Gao was invited to give a talk at Shanghai Ruijin Hospital about photoacoustic imaging for breast cancer diagnostics (高飞教授受邀在上海瑞金医院做了关于光声乳腺肿瘤诊断方面的报告)

● Nov. 2019, SIST International Advisory Committee members visited our lab and had a very pleasant discussion (信息学院国际评审委员会成员访问了我们实验室,并与我们讨论了相关的科研工作)

● Nov. 2019, We had a very pleasant collaboration discussion with Prof. Dinggang Shen from United Imaging Intelligence(我们与联影智能CEO沈定刚教授进行了愉快的合作讨论)

● Nov. 2019, We set up technology transfer regulations in our lab, and encourage commercialization of students' research outcome(我们建立了实验室成果转化细则,鼓励学生们将科研成果产业化)

● Oct. 2019, Our lab is reported by school 微信公众号:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/T8nxNEEA7SNIBVxKG7rNJQ (我们实验室被学院公众号报道)

● Oct. 2019, We had a very pleasant autumn outing in Gongqing National Park. (我们去共青国家森林公园进行了愉快的秋游).

  • ● Oct. 2019, Hengrong and Changchun attended MICCAI 2019 in Shenzhen, China, and presented their work. (兰恒荣和杨长春同学参加了在深圳举办的MICCAI(医学影像领域顶级会议),并报道了他们的研究工作)

  • ● Oct. 2019, Hongtao attended BioCAS 2019 in Nara, Japan, and presented his work. (钟鸿涛同学参加了在日本奈良举办的BioCAS(生物医学电路系统领域顶级会议),并报道了他的工作)

  • ● Oct. 2019, Daohuai attended IUS 2019 in Glasgow, Scotland, and presented his work. (江道淮同学参加了在苏格兰格拉斯哥举办的IUS(超声领域顶级会议),并报道了他的工作)

  • ● Oct. 2019, Hengrong received National Scholarship, congrats! (兰恒荣同学获研究生国家奖学金,恭喜!)

  • ● Sep. 2019, welcome Yiyun Wang and Ziye Li to join our lab as exam-exempt graduate students! (欢迎2020级王怡韵和李梓烨同学以推免生加入我们实验室!)

  • ● Sep. 2019, Prof. Banu from Drexel University visited our lab. (德雷塞尔大学Banu教授访问我们实验室)

  • ● ​Sep. 2019, Feng Gao joined our lab as senior engineer, welcome!(欢迎高峰作为高级工程师加入我们实验室!)

  • ● Aug. 2019, Prof. Gao is invited to give a talk at China BME society Young Scholar Forum.(高飞教授受邀在中国生物医学工程学会青年学者论坛上做报告)

  • ● Aug. 2019, Yifei's paper is accepted by IEEE APMC 2019, congrats! (徐逸飞同学的论文被IEEE APMC接收,恭喜!)

● Aug. 2019, Hongtao's paper is accepted by IEEE BioCAS 2019, congrats! (钟鸿涛的论文被IEEE BioCAS接收,恭喜!)

● Aug. 2019, Hengrong's MICCAI paper is selected as oral presentation (35 out of 1700 submissions, 2% acceptance rate), congrats! (兰恒荣的MICCAI论文被选为口头报告,中稿率仅为2%,恭喜!)

​● July 2019, Hengrong and Yongjian attended EMBC 2019 in Berlin, Germany, and presented their work.​ (兰恒荣和赵永建参加了在德国柏林举办的EMBC(生物医学工程领域顶级会议),并报道了他们的工作)

● June 2019, two papers are accepted by MICCAI 2019, congrats!(实验室两篇论文被MICCAI接收,恭喜!)

● June 2019, Prof. Gao gave a talk at Tongji University, invited by Prof. Qian Cheng. (高飞教授受同济大学程茜教授邀请,做了关于光声成像的报告)

● June 2019, three papers are accepted by IEEE IUS 2019, congrats! (三篇论文被IEEE IUS接收,恭喜!)

● May 2019, Hongtao and Daohuai attended ISCAS 2019 in Sapporo, Japan, and presented their work. (钟鸿涛和江道淮参加了在日本札幌举办的ISCAS(电路系统领域顶级会议),并报道了他们的工作)

● May 2019, Hongtao attended ICMMT 2019 in Guangzhou, and presented his work. (钟鸿涛参加了在广州举办的ICMMT国际会议,并报道了他的工作)

● Apr. 2019, Changchun attended ISBI 2019 in Venice, Italy, and presented his work. (长春参加了在意大利威尼斯举办的ISBI(医学影像算法领域顶级会议),并报道了他的工作)

● Apr. 2019, five papers are accepted by IEEE EMBC 2019, congrats! (五篇论文被IEEE EMBC接收,恭喜!)

● Mar. 2019, Daohuai's paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, congrats! (江道淮的论文被IEEE TCASⅡ (电路与系统领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Mar. 2019, Hongtao's paper is accepted by Optics Letters, congrats! (钟鸿涛的论文被Opt. Lett.(光学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Mar. 2019, Zhou Meng's paper is accepted by Journal of Biophotonics, congrats!(周萌的论文被JBiop.(生物医学光子学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜)

● Mar. 2019, Hengong's paper is accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal, congrats! (兰恒荣的论文被IEEE Sens. J.(传感器领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Feb. 2019, Tingyang attended Photonics West 2019 in San Francisco, USA, and presented his work. (段廷阳参加了在美国旧金山举办的西部光学会议,并报道了他的工作)

● Feb. 2019, Zhou Meng's paper is accepted by IEEE Photonics Journal, congrats! (周萌的论文被IEEE Photon. J.接收,恭喜!)

● Jan. 2019, Hongtao and Daohuai's papers are accepted by IEEE ISCAS 2019, congrats! (兰恒荣和江道淮的论文被IEEE ISCAS接收,恭喜!)

​● Jan. 2019, Happy New Year!​ (新年快乐!)

● Dec. 2018, Changchun's paper was accepted by IEEE ISBI 2019, congrats! (杨长春的论文被IEEE ISBI接收,恭喜!)

● Dec. 2018, Jiayao's paper was accepted by IEEE Access, congrats! (张嘉瑶的论文被IEEE Access接收,恭喜!)

● Nov. 2018, Tingyang joined Duke University as a visiting PhD student for one year. (段廷阳作为访问博士生,加入美国杜克大学)

● Oct. 2018, we had a very happy lab gathering! (我们进行了愉快的实验室聚会)

​● Oct. 2018, Hengrong attended IUS 2018 in Kobe, Japan, and presented his work. (兰恒荣参加了在日本神户举办的IUS(超声领域顶级会议),并报道了他的工作)

● Oct. 2018, ​Hengrong, Jiayao, Hongtao and Zhou Meng attended SPIE Photonics Asia international conference in Beijing, and presented their papers. (兰恒荣,张嘉瑶,钟鸿涛和周萌参加了在北京举行了SPIE亚洲光子学会议,并报道了他们的工作)

● Sep. 2018, welcome Tengbo Lv and Yaxin Ma to join our lab as exam-exempt graduate students!(欢迎2019级吕腾博和马雅鑫同学作为推免生加入我们实验室!)

​● Sep. 2018, Tingyang's paper was accepted by Optics Letters, congrats!(段廷阳的论文被Opt. Lett.(光学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● Sep. 2018, our lab's undergraduate student Hanqin Duan received the exam-exempt offer from Tsinghua University and Johns Hopkins University joint program, congrats! (实验室本科生段汉卿获清华大学/约翰霍普金斯大学推免录取,恭喜!)

● Aug. 2018, Prof. Gao received a grant from Natural Science Foundation of China, 270,000 RMB. (高飞教授获国家自然科学基金资助,27万人民币)

● Aug. 2018, Prof. Gao was invited by Prof. Xinyu Chai as PhD defense committee member in SJTU. (高飞教授受上海交大柴新禹教授邀请,作为博士答辩委员会成员)

● July 2018, we had a happy lab gathering! (我们进行了愉快的实验室聚会)

● July 2018, Tingyang Duan, Meng Zhou and Zhi Tu of our lab attended EMBC2018, and gave oral presentations in Honolulu, Hawaii. (段廷阳,周萌和涂治参加了在美国夏威夷举办的EMBC(生物医学工程领域顶级会议),并报道了他们的工作)

● July 2018, eight papers are accepted by IEEE IUS, IEEE DSP, SPIE Photonics Asia, congrats! (八篇论文被IEEE IUS, IEEE DSP, IEEE Photonics Asia接收,恭喜!)

● July 2018, Hengrong's paper was accepted by IEEE JSTQE, congrats! (兰恒荣的论文被IEEE JSTQE(光学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

● July 2018, Turing Award Winner, Prof. Ivan Sutherland visited ShanghaiTech and had a pleasant talk with us. (图灵奖得主Ivan Sutherland访问了上科大,并与我们进行了愉快的交流)

● June 2018, Prof. Gao gave invited talks at UESTC and Sichuan University. (高飞教授受邀在电子科技大学和四川大学做报告)

● June 2018, Hongtao's invited review paper was accepted by Sensors, congrats! (钟鸿涛的综述论文被Sensors接收,恭喜!)

​​● June 2018, Tingyang's paper was accepted by IEEE JSTQE, congrats! (段廷阳的论文被IEEE JSTQE(光学领域顶级期刊)接收,恭喜!)

​● June 2018, Prof. Lihong Wang from Caltech, Prof. Yuanjin Zheng from NTU, Prof. Liang Song from SIAT-CAS, and Prof. Liming Nie from Xiamen Univ. visited ShanghaiTech and gave wonderful talks. (加州理工大学汪立宏教授,南洋理工大学郑元谨教授,深圳先进院宋亮研究员,以及厦门大学聂立明教授访问了上科大和我们实验室,并做了精彩的报告)

● Apr. 2018, Four papers are accepted by IEEE EMBC 2018, congrats guys! (四篇论文被IEEE EMBC接收,恭喜!)

● Mar. 2018, Welcome new students, Daohuai Jiang, Yongjian Zhao, and Changchun Yang and Jiayao Zhang to join our lab! (欢迎江道淮,赵永建,杨长春,张嘉瑶加入我们实验室!)

● Mar. 2018, Prof. Gao received a grant from Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, 200,000 RMB.(高飞教授获上海市自然科学基金资助,20万人民币)

● Mar. 2018, Dr. Tengfei Zhang, CTO of SmartAHC Pte. Ltd, visited our lab, and gave a wonderful talk on AI+animal farming. (睿畜科技CTO张腾飞博士访问了我们实验室,并做了关于人工智能养猪的精彩报告)

● Mar. 2018, Prof. Lawrence Le from University of Alberta, and Prof. Dean Ta from Fudan university, visited our lab. (阿尔伯特大学的Lawrence教授和复旦大学的他得安教授访问了我们实验室)

● Nov. 2017, Vice president of University of Padova, Dr. Paccagnella, visited our lab. (意大利帕多瓦大学的副校长Paccagnella访问了我们实验室)

● Oct. 2017, Prof. Gao gave a talk at Changchun University of Science and Technology, invited by Prof. Ran Ding. (高飞教授受长春理工大学丁然教授邀请做报告)

● Oct. 2017, Prof. Jinhong Guo visited our lab and gave a wonderful talk on medical IoT . Dr. Guo is a full professor at UESTC, and chief scientist at Longmaster Information Co., Ltd (stock ID: 300288). (郭劲宏教授访问了我们实验室,并做了关于医疗物联网的精彩报告。郭博士是电子科技大学正教授,同时也是朗玛信息有限公司的联合创始人和首席科学家)

● Oct. 2017, Dr. Olivier from Quantel visited our lab and shared his experience on designing high peak power laser diode module for hand-held photoacoustic imager. (法国Quantel公司的Olivier博士访问了我们实验室,并分享了在大功率激光二极管系统方面的设计经验)

● Sep 2017, Prof. Gao was awarded the Shanghai Eastern Scholar Professorship, 1,000,000 RMB. (高飞教授获聘上海市东方学者特聘教授,100万人民币)

● July 2017, Two papers have been presented in EMBC17, the flagship biomedical engineering conference of IEEE EMBS (两篇论文被EMBC接收)

​● May 2017, Our first PhD student passed the qualifying exam, congratulations Tingyang! (实验室第一位博士生段廷阳通过了资格考核,恭喜!)

● April 2017, Our HISLab has been officially established with first set of instruments installed! (实验室正式成立,并到货了第一批设备)